About Us

Agent Advisor was created by Sarah Montana and Ryan Kay.  Sarah is the Founder of Luxury Home Team and Biz Babes.  She has entered into new real estate markets and found success while always focusing on tools and systems to maximize efficacy, enhance the customer experience, and create a tribe of raving fans.  

Sarah started the New Agent Tips and Tricks Podcast and interviewed new agents in the business.  She found that there was a need for a marketplace of tried and true tools, services, and products that would help agents on their path to success.  With the goal of getting an agent started on the right foot..…Sarah partnered with hiring expert Ryan Kay, and agent advisor was born.  

We help real estate agents to research and find the tools and strategies they need to grow and scale their business and scale their business without without having to do it on their own or while having a professional by themselves. We provide the cheat sheets to help real estate agents find the tools and strategies they need that will help them grow and scale. let's be honest, the internet's full of people who are telling them they telling you they can help you build your business, and then they know the right thing to do. And you just, you know, deep down inside, they probably rented that mansion and borrowed that fancy car they're sitting in front of you. I actually haven't done what you're trying to do. 

On the other hand, there's also software providers out there in the world whose sales reps are there to pitch you on their software platform. And while if you've been doing this for a long time, and have a ton of experience, running a real estate agency, that might be okay for you. If you're new to this, you're probably leave all those sales pitches more confused than where you started. Because they told you that product pretty much do anything, but you don't actually know what you want it to do. And you were hoping they would tell you so that implementing it wouldn't be extremely overwhelming.


I have been a real estate broker, real estate investor and real estate agent for the past decade and during COVID I actually started all over brand new as an outsider moving into a new community to build a real estate agency from scratch. And over the last two years, I've been wildly successful at building a network where I didn't have one that existed already and generating leads from strangers. Not from my friends and family since I wasn't from here.  There was a lot of trial and error to figure out how to do this. I bought tons of different software platforms, some worked and some didn't. I paid for coaching, some worked and some didn't. I downloaded templates, I spent hours online researching and while it helped me be successful, it was a huge pain.

 So my goal now is to help other people who are in that same situation are trying to figure out how to grow and scale their real estate business to get to shortcut the process by learning from what I learned, because the reality is that 60% of real estate agents that start out in the business end up failing, and fortunately I had a little bit of a cushion and things during COVID. 

But if you spend six months with no revenue coming in, because you're doing all of this research and trial and error, it inevitably leads to failure in a large majority of the agents.


Now at this point, you probably think oh, cool, she's just another coach, or oh crap, she's just another coach. That's actually where I'm a bit different. My goal of agent advisor isn't to be a coaching company. We're not here to charge you money as an agent to figure out what tools you should buy, just to then turn around and make you go pay for those tools from somebody else. We instead act as an independent free consultant who helps agents for free to learn strategies and approaches that and then make our money by partnering with organizations who sell the tools you'll need to do those things at scale.


We're kind of like the advertising agent for a bunch of really high quality products and services in the real estate space. But we aren't actually the ones doing that we are an independent group that can provide you two or three options, not just one option, give you the pros and cons of each of those options and really not tell you what to buy, but help you understand how to go about deciding what to buy dramatically shortcutting the process but still giving you the final choice without there being any bias involved.


But we're also giving you the our like true feelings from experience and utilizing it in our own business. We're not just pitching you something that is going to bring us a paycheck.


You should go join our Facebook group. And make sure you subscribe to our emails. We definitely love new or struggling agents. We love helping the underdogs in the market figure these things out. And again, we're helping them for free because they're the ones who usually don't have the money to solve for it anyway. If you are an experienced team lead or brokerage, and you're looking for help with marketing and hiring and scaling your team, you should totally hit us up to talk to us about recruitment marketing. And if you are a vendor who sells products or services into the real estate agent space, then we should talk about partnering.