Mastering the Juggling Act: Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Busy Real Estate Agent

Health and Wellness


 The life of a real estate agent can be both rewarding and demanding.  With clients to manage, properties to show, and deals to close, it's easy to feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day. But just like other profession, it's important to find ways to balance your work and personal life.

Here are a few tips and tricks for maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a real estate agent:

Time blocking: Set aside specific blocks of time for different tasks throughout the day. For example, you might designate a few hours in the morning for prospecting and lead generation, followed by a few hours in the afternoon for showing properties and following up with clients. This helps you stay focused and avoid the temptation to multitask, which can be counterproductive.

Take breaks: It's important to take breaks throughout the day to rest your mind and recharge. Go for a walk, grab a cup of coffee, or do some stretching exercises to break up the monotony of sitting at your desk all day.

Learn to say no: As a real estate agent, it can be tempting to take on as many clients and deals as possible. But overloading yourself can lead to burnout and stress. Learn to say no to projects that don't align with your goals or values, and prioritize your own well-being.

Establish boundaries: Set clear boundaries for your work and personal life. I personally take being available for my clients very seriously, but I also set aside time intentionally on the weekends to recharge and plan my days in a way that works for my life and schedule.  


I am sure lots of you out there have heard of 75 day hard.  This super intense and strict workout took the personal development world by storm and my feed has been filled with badasses crushing this workout program.  For me, it is TOO strict.  I am not in the right season and don't have the bandwidth to be THAT rigid.  I do however want to be healthy and I love setting goals and doing things that challenge me. 


 I decided to create my own version that aligned with my goals and the bandwidth that I had.  I committed to 60 days of the following:

45 minute work out every day

100 oz of Water

5 minutes outside everyday 

Read or listen to a book or podcast for 10 min

Follow a Diet

One cheat meal per week

Weekly Progress Picture

Daily Ice bath or cold shower.




I have been documenting my Ice bathing challenge.  You can check it out on social. Sometimes it takes a bit of a shock to wake ourselves up and force us to re-evaluate our habits. Take on the "ice bathing challenge" to shake up your routine and challenge your body in a new way. Not only will it improve your mental toughness, but it can also help improve your physical health.

By implementing these tips and tricks, you'll be able to create a healthy work-life balance that works for you. Remember, it's all about finding what works for you and sticking to it.


So, whether it's time blocking, taking breaks, trying the ice bathing challenge, learning to say no, or establishing boundaries, make sure to prioritize your well-being as a real estate agent. Your clients will thank you for it in the long run.

Good luck!

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Sarah Montana

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