Unbundling your Listing Services: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Tips and Tricks

As a real estate agent, you know that selling a home is more than just listing it on MLS and waiting for the offers to roll in.


You put in a lot of hard work and marketing effort to get your listings sold.


But the problem is, most agents offer the exact same service and charge a percentage of the home's selling price, regardless of how long it takes to sell or how much effort they put into it.


This approach doesn't always make sense to home sellers... especially as they see the market shifting from buyers to sellers and back to buyers.


Today I want to explore the concept of unbundling the listing service offering and how it can help you stand out in a saturated market.


What is the Big Problem or Challenge?

The big problem in the real estate industry is the lack of differentiation between agents' service offerings.


Most agents offer the same service and charge the same percentage of the home's selling price, which can be a big burden for home sellers, especially when the market is not as hot as it was before.


Homeowners are looking for more value for their money and want to see the effort that agents are putting into selling their homes.


How are Most People Trying to Solve it?

Most agents are trying to solve the problem by simply offering the same service and charging the same percentage of the home's selling price, regardless of how long it takes to sell or how much effort they put into it.


This approach doesn't work for home sellers who want to see the value for their money and see the effort that agents are putting into selling their homes.

Why Doesn’t their Approach Work?

The traditional approach of charging a percentage of the home's selling price doesn't work for home sellers who want to see the value for their money and see the effort that agents are putting into selling their homes.


This approach can also be a big burden for home sellers, especially when the market is not as hot as it was before and they are needing to offer concessions or lowering their price to get the home to sell.


How Would I Approach it Instead?

Unbundling the service offering can help you stand out in a saturated market.


Instead of charging a percentage of the home's selling price, you can charge a flat listing fee plus add-on costs for property clean up, updates, staging, professional photos, videos, drone footage, and an add-on marketing budget for Facebook ads, postcard mailings, etc.


This approach not only gives home sellers more value for their money, but it also shows them the effort that agents are putting into selling their homes.


What are the Steps to Take to Implement my Approach?

1- Analyze your local market and see what services and marketing efforts are most valued by your potential clients.

2- Develop a flat listing fee and a menu of add-on costs for property clean up, updates, staging, professional photos, videos, drone footage, and an add-on marketing budget for Facebook ads, postcard mailings, etc.

3- Communicate the value of your unbundled service offering to potential clients and highlight the effort that you put into selling their home.

4- Monitor and adjust your approach based on the feedback from your clients and the local market.


To sum it all up…

Unbundling the service offering can help you stand out in a saturated market and provide more value to your potential clients.


By charging a flat listing fee plus add-on costs for property clean up, updates, staging, professional photos, videos, drone footage, and an add-on marketing budget for Facebook ads, postcard mailings, etc., you can show your potential clients the effort that you put into selling their home and differentiate yourself from the competition.


So, what are you waiting for?


Try it out today!

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Sarah Montana


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